What do you do? I'm curious what creative ways the community has come up with to stay on the road. Blogger? Freelancing? ecommerce? Other?
Did you figure out how you would make money and get your business up and running before you started traveling long term, or did you just figure it out along the way?
I'm still tied to a cubicle but am starting the process to become location independent.
Small retirement income, yoga teacher training certification, tutoring/teaching English (I'm a licensed teacher) my husband can fix/install/build anything. We're not on the road full-time yet for another 30 days, but we're hoping to be able to sustain ourselves with these skills.
A few places have invited us to stay there for free and write about it, while it won't pay the bills, it's certainly a good start.
I consult for an oil and gas company operating in a dangerous country. I used to work 5 weeks on / 5 weeks off but now I work remotely all the time. Consulting professionally is great as I can still charge a solid rate, set-up efficient tax structures, and still work / travel wherever I want whenever I want.
I personally don't understand people who work low-paying overseas jobs just to scrape by but perhaps the lifestyle appeals to some. If you have the ability to make a decent wage a home I'd prefer to buckle down, save up, and then take a long-term trip but that's my own personal opinion.
I think there are different answers for everyone, though the safe route would be to have something set up before you hit the road. I've read about many folks hoping to make money as they go and then falling short and having to stop traveling. Yet if you wait for ideal conditions you may never leave the cubicle...so it's a bit of a coin toss.
In any case, keep your eye on the prize and things will work out with a bit of luck and a TON of hard work!!