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  • Chandra3

    increase the sum of the club’s individual parts

    I am translating a book and at a loss as to what the highlighted sentence means. Does it mean they have to increase the total amount of money spent on all the players of the team?


    Also why was it probably impossible to do that when the roster remained largely unchanged?


    Any help is appreciated.

    2 years agoin Arts & Entertainment-Wuhan
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • Yakaytene
    They also use flawed baseball players in a pack of baseball cards as an \"analogy\" for flawed baseball players in a team... so it seems they also don\'t understand how analogies work.
    2 years ago
  • Kehinde2
    Very helpful comments! Sports writing is full of technical jargon, and it\'s usually straining to make something very boring sound exciting. Much like financial reporting. Teams win and lose, stocks go up and down. How many ways can you say \'win\', \'lose\', \'up\', and \'down\'?
    2 years ago
  • SAMANs
    I think it means that they\'re stuck with a bunch of crap players, and they have to somehow get them to work as a very good team. There is a common saying, \'The whole is greater than the sum of its parts\', which means that people or things working together can do much more than they can working separately.
    2 years ago

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